Kamihata Polypterus Bichir Bichir

Have been eyeing a Kamihata PBB for some time but never get to own one due to the high price commanded by the market because it is a premium Japanese brand.  AquaOne managed to bring in a batch of these awesomely beautiful KPBB at half the price.  No more excuse not to own one.  Bought a 6″ piece on the 10-Jun-2011.

Polypterus Senegalus aka Gray Bichir (Long Fin)

I was at C328 yesterday and saw this cute little fellow. Wasn’t planning on buying anything but fell in love with this Sene.

Atractosteus Tropicus aka Tropical Gar

Got 2 more pieces of Tropical Gars last week due to the impending ban of Gars by AVA.

One of them is of the darker variant while the other of the whiter variant. Interesting to see how they will grow into.

Polypterus Endlicheri Volta Bichir

Acquired 2 x WC Endlicheri Volta Bichir from Stones beginning May 2011.

Love the patterns on the lower half of the body.  Looks like some ancient writing/code.

Polypterus Congicus Bichir


My latest craze….BICHIRS!

Acquired this WC Polypterus Congicus Bichir (9″) beginning May 2011.

Central American Cichlid Tank


Set up my CA Cichlid tank in mid April.

In there are:
Vieja Maculacauda ‘Black Belt” cichlid (2),
Vieja Zonatus ‘Mojarra Prieta’ cichlid (3),
Vieja Bifaciatus cichlid (1),
Tomocichla Sieboldi cichlid (2),
Paratheraps Fenestratus cichlid (2),
Parachromis Dovii ‘Blue Wolf’ cichlid (3),
Nandopsis Bartoni cichlid (4),
Chuco Godmanni “fire” cichlid (2),
Herichthys Bocourti ‘golden mojarra’ cichlid (3).
These fishes were acquired on 10-March-2011.